Thursday, December 15, 2016

1. Blog Item for Final Exam

The Presidential Election of 2016 has been the most frightening  phenomenon in recent history. The lying, the cheating, the backstabbing is nothing less than a soap-opera or reality show. Nothing about this election has been statesmanlike. We, The United States of America, was once the leader and the most envied of the world; now, we're the laughing stock. Our dignified government is now nothing less than a side-show for all the world. How did this happen ? Why? I believe it's because the Tea Party Movement wanted revenge for the Obama Presidency. That's when he was fought on everything he did while in office, challenged his citizenship and disrespected on a massive level.The Cabinet formed by the President-Elect are all millionaires. They have nothing in common with common man. Social programs will be cut. The Supreme Court will go further to the right AND Roe vs. Wade will probably be overturned. The election of Donald J. Trump has the potential to take us back 50 years. It's scary! He even chose Linda McMahon of the WWF to head Small Business Administration. Really? She has no experience in government, mo military experience and no experience being financially challenged. She too is a cabinet member because she's rich.Finally, after all the sucking up Rudy Giuliani did to be a cabinet member, he too was dumped by Trump. Instead he chose Rex Tillerson, a friend to Vladimir Putin to be Secretary of State.

Music:The World Connector

Music is the voice of planet Earth. It is the one thing that touches us all. It can bring us to tears, make us laugh and snap our fingers in all different languages .I’ve often heard the cliché that music calms the savage beast. ”That’s true too, but music also calms a crying baby, is rhythm for the man or woman working on the assembly line and a proverbial rocket ship to the past. It is captivating and calming at the same time. Whether your music comes from Gospel, Rhythm and Blues or Bluegrass, The common denominator for all genres of music is that it reaches everyone whether you speak the native language or not.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Alice's Favorite Places

The City of Chicago has been a mecca for tourist for at least the last century. People from all over the world are aware of the beauty, art and architecture. On my site, I have a few of the places which I’ve visited and have taken my family to. Navy Pier is my favorite. I love to shop at the Pier. I will always find something to buy when I’m visiting. Last, but not least, it’s the Ferris wheel! You can’t go to Navy Pier without taking a ride on the all famous Ferris wheel! It’s such an exhilarating feeling to see the city from its fantastic view.

The United States of Confusion

The presidential election of 2016 is the source of anxiety in many households. Some have threatened to move to Canada, and others are filing for bankruptcy. This turn of events has been unprecedented. Predictions of World War 3 has ben trending social media as well as among the opposing party members.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Supreme Success

Diana Ross was born in March 26, 1944, in Detroit, Michigan. She began singing with friends as a teenager, and eventually formed the groundbreaking 1960’s trio the Supremes, going on to have hits like “Come See about Me” and “You Can’t Hurry Love”. Ross left the Supremes for a solo career in 1969, later reaching No.1 with hits like “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” and “Love Hangover”. She starred in the films Mahogany and Lady Sings the Blues as well, earning an Oscar nomination for the latter. Despite personal and professional let downs, Ross has withstood the test of time as a performer with a career that span more than four decades. Dianna Ernestine Earle Ross was born on March 26, 1944 in Detroit, Michigan. Developing a reputation as an accomplished performer, Ross began singing in the group the Primettes with friends Mary Wilson Florence Ballard and Barbara Martin as a teenager. Martin eventually dropped out, but the remaining members of the group went on to become the internationally known and successful 1960’sR&Bpop trio, the Supremes (later named Diana Ross and the Supremes). Signed to Motown Records by famed producer and label founder Berry Gordy Jr., in 1961 the Supremes scored their first No.1 hit with “Where Did Our Love Go” in 1964.The trio then went on to break music records by having a streak of four additional singles top the charts-“Baby Love”, “Come See About Me”, “ Stop! In The Name of Love” and “Back in My Arms Again”, thus becoming the first U.S. group to ever have five songs in a row to reach No. 1. In all the group scored a monumental 12 No.1 hits including “I Hear a Symphony” “You Can’t Hurry Love”, The Happening”, “Love Child” and “Someday We’re Be Together. They thus established a phenomenal record, becoming the American vocal group with the most Billboard chart toppers in history. Ross left the Supremes for a solo career in 1969 and continued to be musical mainstay the following year with the Top 20 “Reach Out and Touch Somebody’s Hand” and the No.1 “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”. In 1972, she branched out into acting and starred in the Billie Holiday bios Lady Sings the Blues. While the film received somewhat mixed reviews, Ross’s performance garnered her an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. The Blues soundtrack was a huge success and helped spurn new interest in Holiday as well. Ross went on to star in the film s Mahogany and co-starring Billy Dee Williams and Anthony Perkins, and the Wiz. Among an array of albums, other hit songs for Ross from the 1970’s included “Touch Me in The Morning”, ”Theme from Mahogany (Do You Know Where You’re Going To)” and sensual dance classic “Love Hangover”, withal three tracks reaching No.1 on the pop charts. Diana Ross has won several major awards which includes a Golden Globe, a Tony and several American Music Awards. Ross was indicted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988 as part of the Supremes.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Gwen Ifill: Super Journalist

Gwen Ifill was one of the most respected journalist of our time. She was a trailblazer for young women and men starting their journalistic careers. She was the daughter of a minister who began her career at Simone College in Massachuetts in 1981 and got her start at the Boston Herald. She worked many years as a correspondent in many different cities including WMAQ here in Chicago. Gwen was as outstanding as one could get in her career. She ended her career at PBS as managing editor and senior correspondent. Gwen brought substance and style to her craft. Intelligent, witty and professional; these are words which will forever describe a life that’s gone too soon. Gwen died Monday, November 13th, 2016 of cancer at the age of 61. She will be missed.

Violence in Chicago: is there no end ?

The violence on the south and west sides of Chicago continues to plague the African-American community. This deadly and horrendous act of rebellion and genocide is showing no sign of ceasing. The community is infiltrated with thugs with no ambition and no sense of compassion and care of human life…even their own. We have a generation of kids who grew up with violent video games and rap music along with drug- addicted parents who sees life through eyes of hopelessness. They don’t care about jail or the grave. It’s as though there’s an evil spirit over our city. I pray often for GOD to intervene. I know HE, it’s just that I wish HE would do it today. Innocent lives have fallen pray to these thugs through drive by and shootings at other gangbangers and missing their targets. I’m reminded of a Stevie Wonder song of the mid 70’s entitled “Heaven Help Us All’’. It could not be more appropriate than today.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Auburn Gresham: My Neighborhood

This is the neighborhood I have lived in for the last 22 years. I live in Auburn Gresham. I mostly visit the sites I have copied here from 2 to 3 times per week. It was much better when I first moved over here; but now, it’s crime-ridden and I don’t feel safe anymore. Everyone on the block mostly know each other because we’ve been neighbors for over twenty years. At night, it’s quiet for the most part; however, when it’s summer, the gunshots rule the night. The new neighbors who are mostly younger people who moved in within the last couple of years, don’t seem to respect the block and the rules which are posted.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Chicago Cubs : World Campions After 108 Years

The Chicago Cubs have won The World Series! For more than a century this team was winless in the game of baseball...but not anymore. This year the dream came true. The wait is over. The time has come and the winner is: THE CHICAGO CUBS...finally! You couldn't help but root for an underdog who's an underdog for 100 year! Let's face it, there's nothing to compare it to. My grandfather was a Cub's fan who never had the chance to see them win; but as fate would have it, someone live to talk about it. I hope it doesn't take another hundred and eight years for the Cubs to win a World Series, that would really be a shame. Go Cubs! You have finally proven you're a world-class team. You've made us proud

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Presidential Slideshow

This is a Presidential Slideshow featuring winners and contenders for the past 44 years. My point is to show how the nation changes its mind from election to election. We have a schizophrenic country.

Photo Embed For Midterm

Bridges are more than connecter for Earthly surfaces, they also connect lives. Living in the twenty- first century requires the bridge of social media for communication, the bridge of Internet and many other means of communication. The world has changed tremendously in the past twenty years yielding a massive number of telecommunication devises making the Earth a much smaller place. In some ways I can appreciate the new and improved version of our planet, yet I sometimes miss the old way. It seems to me that more and more mistakes are made with this modern form of communication and people tend to be more corrupt as a result of it.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

#2 Viral video embed for midterms

                        Stephen Colbert Discusses The Third Presidential Debate

Stephen Colbert did his late night TV show immediately after the final Presidential Debate last night and boy was it funny.
He had me bursting at the seams with his imitation of "The Donald" and  with his quick wit he pounced on the wallpaper in back of Hillary Clinton which had right wing on it and he somehow circled the part that spelled "rig". You would have had to see it for yourself to get the gist of the joke.
He talked how Hillary so cleverly baited Donald into getting defensive and how he was also baited into talking about how he'd gotten by without paying taxes...again. As I said before, you would have had to hear it for yourself to get how funny it really was.
I have really enjoyed watching the late night comics scrutinize the election from a comedic point of view.
I find myself channel-surfing from one station to the other.
Jimmy Kimmel is a riot too. He does impressions and skits as well with you dying laughing.
I love comedy and some of the best comedy is on late-night TV.
Stephen Colbert is my favorite. He took the place of David Letterman who used to be my all time favorite before he retired in 2015. I must say, I thought I would miss him (David), but, Stephen has truly filled his shoes.

Donald Trump: Unfit For Public Office

#1-News/ opinion blog for midterms

Donald Trump: Totally Unfit For Public Office

Donald Trump in my opinion is a totally confirmed idiot! He has shown the American People over and over again that he is not, should not and for all practical purposes never hold public or private office. I'm, very much aware that money talks, but no amount of money can cover the fact that he is an idiot of incomparable heights. Even his own political party has been embarassed by his undignified and brass behavior. No one knew he was that stupid for lack of a better word. I think the majority of the people thought when he was waving the banner of the Birther Movement that he was just blowing off steam because he just didn't like President O'bama. That was true to an extent, but there was so much more to be defined.....HE WAS AND STILL IS CRAZY SQUARED !!!!!  I truly believe he's a bonafied nut case. There is no doubt in my mind that somewhere in this lifetime he's worn a strait-jacket.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Vice- Presidential Debate

The Vice-Presidential Debate for 2016 is now in the record books. At first, I along with the rest of the country thought it would be boring----it wasn’t! The usually boy-next-door persona of Tim Kane was replaced with a virtual attack dog from the very start. He immediately had Mike Pence on the defense starting with Pence having to defend Donald Trump’s taxes and not paying for 18 years. He appeared to know his opponent was on the rope when he asked him how he {Pence} could defend a man who not only had not paid income taxes, but bragged of not paying and then calling himself a genius. It was quite an adventure to watch.

Kim Kardashian Robbery The recant robbery of reality star Kim Kardashian has gotten lots of attention. It’s been reported that it was probably an inside job. Others say it was due to her putting her jewelry on social media and saying where she would be. Who knows! I do think she was partially to blame for posting her whereabouts for all to know. It doesn’t make sense to me to have millions of dollars in jewelry on a trip out of the country and then post yourself wearing the jewelry and blogging constantly about where you are. I do understand her being afraid at this time and having feared for her life as well because she could have been killed. She still won in the end because she got away with her life.

Miley Cyrus has lost her cotton-picking mind! Her her ego has exploded so much that she thinks she can critique the legendary Mariah Carey by calling her{Mariah)selfish. In order to critique a legend of Mariah status, you should at least be on her legendary level with your musical craft-----Miley, you're not there! Let's hope in 20 years you will have earned that privilege.

the Alice Smith story

My name is Alice Smith. I am in the process of re-inventing myself. This process has
 sometimes been tedious yet exciting.

Dwayne Wade: Superstar On And Off The Court

Dwayne Wade is more than just a basketball talent. He has proven to be a hometown hero to so many young men in our city. In addition to coming back home to play with the Chicago Bulls, he has offered himself to the neighborhoods to encourage troubled teens. I find this to be most admirable. Unlike Michael Jordan, who also achieved stardom in this city, {He} chose to leave without consideration for the kids here who absolutely adored him. Dwayne Wade is a different animal. Whereas he could have gone anywhere to play ball and make millions doing it, he chose to come home to play and make a difference in the neighborhood.That's my vision of a superstar. It's very clear Wade understands winning in life is more than financial gain---but, giving of one's self and not forgetting where you came from. The humility of his character is stunning. I hope that others who obtain superstardom take a page from the Dwayne Wade playbook on how to be your brothers' keeper. Maya Angelou once said "When people show you who they are, believe them". This fact is ever so true when we see Dwayne Wade and his love of family and community. This is somewhat of a rare quality in this day and age for a young man his age. All I know is whoever raised him did an exceptional job in teaching him the skills of life which goes so far beyond the basketball court.
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I just love me some Michelle. She is such a class act. She's smart, personable and just the girl next door all in one.
I think she not only is an positive example to Black women, but to women of all races and ethnicities.
With her charisma and character, people around the world have noticed her commitment to her husband and children.
It's very clear that being The First Lady of The United States of America has not changed the core of who she is.
I admire her humility; that's something you can't fake.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

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                                                         Is This a Joke?

The Presidential election of 2016 has been lowered to joke status as far as I'm concerned. Case in point : Hilary Clinton will probably pay for some of the sins of her husband, former President Bill Clinton in the African -American community. While in office, he made economic upheaval even    more tough for us when he started NAFTA(the North America Free Trade Agreement)  which ultimately sent thousands upon thousands of jobs to other countries, along with "welfare reform "   and the three strikes law; all of which were detrimental to the Black community. As a matter of facts, we were impacted the most out of all ethnic groups. I don't know if African- Americans will remember this when going to the polls, but I know I will.
 On the other hand there's Donald Trump. He, is the most arrogant and ignorant Presidential candidate I have ever seen in my entire life. He is way out of touch with the common man; serious it's incomprehensible. He is totally oblivious to the problems which Middle America faces; and his only "cure" is negotiating; which as a business man is all he knows. Even I know that being President require a certain amount of skills i.e. ability to function under pressure, tactfulness, temperment and the like. He doesn't have any of these imperative qualities which should be required in a President. Last but not least, America can't afford to have an idiot squared to have his hands (small hands) on the Nuclear Code.
With  that being said, we are in crisis-mode with our two Presidential nominees. Although I'll vote for Clinton, I'm almost sure it'll be Bill who's running the country....again.

            Black Men: Targets of Murder

The latest news story that's captured my attention is the fiasco in Charlotte, North Carolina.
I find it fascinating that the Country hasn't put together this overwhelming plot in killing Black men.
This of course is my theory. I have never seen or heard  at any time in my life where police have declared war on Black men like I do right now.
If it were because of the trend in younger Black men wearing their pants off their posteria, I'd say they were offended because of the rebellion that's suggested with this attire. That's not it. If that were it, then only men of a certain age would be targeted. Instead, we see men of all different age groups in the Black community all over the country being prayed upon by the police. I find this not to be a co-incident.
As a mother of two sons, it scares me intensely.
In Chicago we have mostly Black on Black crime. That too is frightening. With the situation being as it is, Black men faces a double threat. There's the thugs in the street and the trigger-happy police in the bushes.
I do feel that Mayor Emanuel has made the right decision to hire more police officers and to have them undergo sensitivity training.
The female officer in Charlotte who killed an unarmed Black guy was clearly a product of White Society who was drenched with fear and without a doubt had no business being on the police force.
I hope that things will get better for us all. After all, it's not just the victims of gun violence who suffer, it's also their families.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

This image is quite marvelous. It is a picture of a Tennessee Hibiscus or better known as the Passion flower that's in bloom. I  have  two different shades of the flower. One is in color and the other in black and white for ambiance. I have always been a lover of flowers; particularly exotic one. This flower is grown in the state of Tennessee, and is the state flower.It was adopted in 2012, and is the second of its state flowers. The other is the Iris adopted in 1933.   
Sunday Church Services Church was as usual….Inspiring. The pastor spoke about leadership in his text and the “call’ to service. I think everyone there received the message and I hope is willing to find their place of service to their community and also in their homes.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

My Favorite Website

My most favorite website to ponder is.WKKC FM.  It's my favorite because I'm affiliated with the
station here at Kennedy-King College.
I am one of the morning personalities. It's part of my reinventing myself. I have begun a whole new journey in my life; and this time it's all about me.
It's fascinating to be a part of this wonderful institution and to reach an audience through praise and worship. WKKC really is more than just music.
Most of my audience are fifty and over. The geriatric crowd are my biggest fans. I suppose since most of their lives are behind them, they find joy in knowing that death is not the end and only the beginning.
My audience also find it refreshing to wake up to inspiration. I feel sometimes like a  motivational speaker when front-selling and back-selling songs. It feels real good to wear the title of motivational speaker as well.
It all works well with my assignment as an Evangelist and servant.

This is Alice Smith

I am a Southern girl who has spent her whole life in the church. I have strong conservative values but am a loyal Democrat.My conservative values are directly from being raised in the church and believing that GOD is my Director and my Source. 
I am also an ordained Evangelist and have a nursing-home ministry. I have had this special assignment since two-thousand-nine.
I also have an Autistic son and have volunteered my time and given speeches on behalf of Easterseals and their program for Autism.
I want to blog about Christianity because it's rooted in my soul and Jesus is the author and finisher of my faith.