Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Dwayne Wade: Superstar On And Off The Court

Dwayne Wade is more than just a basketball talent. He has proven to be a hometown hero to so many young men in our city. In addition to coming back home to play with the Chicago Bulls, he has offered himself to the neighborhoods to encourage troubled teens. I find this to be most admirable. Unlike Michael Jordan, who also achieved stardom in this city, {He} chose to leave without consideration for the kids here who absolutely adored him. Dwayne Wade is a different animal. Whereas he could have gone anywhere to play ball and make millions doing it, he chose to come home to play and make a difference in the neighborhood.That's my vision of a superstar. It's very clear Wade understands winning in life is more than financial gain---but, giving of one's self and not forgetting where you came from. The humility of his character is stunning. I hope that others who obtain superstardom take a page from the Dwayne Wade playbook on how to be your brothers' keeper. Maya Angelou once said "When people show you who they are, believe them". This fact is ever so true when we see Dwayne Wade and his love of family and community. This is somewhat of a rare quality in this day and age for a young man his age. All I know is whoever raised him did an exceptional job in teaching him the skills of life which goes so far beyond the basketball court.

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