Monday, October 24, 2016

The Presidential Slideshow

This is a Presidential Slideshow featuring winners and contenders for the past 44 years. My point is to show how the nation changes its mind from election to election. We have a schizophrenic country.

Photo Embed For Midterm

Bridges are more than connecter for Earthly surfaces, they also connect lives. Living in the twenty- first century requires the bridge of social media for communication, the bridge of Internet and many other means of communication. The world has changed tremendously in the past twenty years yielding a massive number of telecommunication devises making the Earth a much smaller place. In some ways I can appreciate the new and improved version of our planet, yet I sometimes miss the old way. It seems to me that more and more mistakes are made with this modern form of communication and people tend to be more corrupt as a result of it.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

#2 Viral video embed for midterms

                        Stephen Colbert Discusses The Third Presidential Debate

Stephen Colbert did his late night TV show immediately after the final Presidential Debate last night and boy was it funny.
He had me bursting at the seams with his imitation of "The Donald" and  with his quick wit he pounced on the wallpaper in back of Hillary Clinton which had right wing on it and he somehow circled the part that spelled "rig". You would have had to see it for yourself to get the gist of the joke.
He talked how Hillary so cleverly baited Donald into getting defensive and how he was also baited into talking about how he'd gotten by without paying taxes...again. As I said before, you would have had to hear it for yourself to get how funny it really was.
I have really enjoyed watching the late night comics scrutinize the election from a comedic point of view.
I find myself channel-surfing from one station to the other.
Jimmy Kimmel is a riot too. He does impressions and skits as well with you dying laughing.
I love comedy and some of the best comedy is on late-night TV.
Stephen Colbert is my favorite. He took the place of David Letterman who used to be my all time favorite before he retired in 2015. I must say, I thought I would miss him (David), but, Stephen has truly filled his shoes.

Donald Trump: Unfit For Public Office

#1-News/ opinion blog for midterms

Donald Trump: Totally Unfit For Public Office

Donald Trump in my opinion is a totally confirmed idiot! He has shown the American People over and over again that he is not, should not and for all practical purposes never hold public or private office. I'm, very much aware that money talks, but no amount of money can cover the fact that he is an idiot of incomparable heights. Even his own political party has been embarassed by his undignified and brass behavior. No one knew he was that stupid for lack of a better word. I think the majority of the people thought when he was waving the banner of the Birther Movement that he was just blowing off steam because he just didn't like President O'bama. That was true to an extent, but there was so much more to be defined.....HE WAS AND STILL IS CRAZY SQUARED !!!!!  I truly believe he's a bonafied nut case. There is no doubt in my mind that somewhere in this lifetime he's worn a strait-jacket.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Vice- Presidential Debate

The Vice-Presidential Debate for 2016 is now in the record books. At first, I along with the rest of the country thought it would be boring----it wasn’t! The usually boy-next-door persona of Tim Kane was replaced with a virtual attack dog from the very start. He immediately had Mike Pence on the defense starting with Pence having to defend Donald Trump’s taxes and not paying for 18 years. He appeared to know his opponent was on the rope when he asked him how he {Pence} could defend a man who not only had not paid income taxes, but bragged of not paying and then calling himself a genius. It was quite an adventure to watch.

Kim Kardashian Robbery The recant robbery of reality star Kim Kardashian has gotten lots of attention. It’s been reported that it was probably an inside job. Others say it was due to her putting her jewelry on social media and saying where she would be. Who knows! I do think she was partially to blame for posting her whereabouts for all to know. It doesn’t make sense to me to have millions of dollars in jewelry on a trip out of the country and then post yourself wearing the jewelry and blogging constantly about where you are. I do understand her being afraid at this time and having feared for her life as well because she could have been killed. She still won in the end because she got away with her life.

Miley Cyrus has lost her cotton-picking mind! Her her ego has exploded so much that she thinks she can critique the legendary Mariah Carey by calling her{Mariah)selfish. In order to critique a legend of Mariah status, you should at least be on her legendary level with your musical craft-----Miley, you're not there! Let's hope in 20 years you will have earned that privilege.

the Alice Smith story

My name is Alice Smith. I am in the process of re-inventing myself. This process has
 sometimes been tedious yet exciting.

Dwayne Wade: Superstar On And Off The Court

Dwayne Wade is more than just a basketball talent. He has proven to be a hometown hero to so many young men in our city. In addition to coming back home to play with the Chicago Bulls, he has offered himself to the neighborhoods to encourage troubled teens. I find this to be most admirable. Unlike Michael Jordan, who also achieved stardom in this city, {He} chose to leave without consideration for the kids here who absolutely adored him. Dwayne Wade is a different animal. Whereas he could have gone anywhere to play ball and make millions doing it, he chose to come home to play and make a difference in the neighborhood.That's my vision of a superstar. It's very clear Wade understands winning in life is more than financial gain---but, giving of one's self and not forgetting where you came from. The humility of his character is stunning. I hope that others who obtain superstardom take a page from the Dwayne Wade playbook on how to be your brothers' keeper. Maya Angelou once said "When people show you who they are, believe them". This fact is ever so true when we see Dwayne Wade and his love of family and community. This is somewhat of a rare quality in this day and age for a young man his age. All I know is whoever raised him did an exceptional job in teaching him the skills of life which goes so far beyond the basketball court.
iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I just love me some Michelle. She is such a class act. She's smart, personable and just the girl next door all in one.
I think she not only is an positive example to Black women, but to women of all races and ethnicities.
With her charisma and character, people around the world have noticed her commitment to her husband and children.
It's very clear that being The First Lady of The United States of America has not changed the core of who she is.
I admire her humility; that's something you can't fake.