Thursday, December 15, 2016

1. Blog Item for Final Exam

The Presidential Election of 2016 has been the most frightening  phenomenon in recent history. The lying, the cheating, the backstabbing is nothing less than a soap-opera or reality show. Nothing about this election has been statesmanlike. We, The United States of America, was once the leader and the most envied of the world; now, we're the laughing stock. Our dignified government is now nothing less than a side-show for all the world. How did this happen ? Why? I believe it's because the Tea Party Movement wanted revenge for the Obama Presidency. That's when he was fought on everything he did while in office, challenged his citizenship and disrespected on a massive level.The Cabinet formed by the President-Elect are all millionaires. They have nothing in common with common man. Social programs will be cut. The Supreme Court will go further to the right AND Roe vs. Wade will probably be overturned. The election of Donald J. Trump has the potential to take us back 50 years. It's scary! He even chose Linda McMahon of the WWF to head Small Business Administration. Really? She has no experience in government, mo military experience and no experience being financially challenged. She too is a cabinet member because she's rich.Finally, after all the sucking up Rudy Giuliani did to be a cabinet member, he too was dumped by Trump. Instead he chose Rex Tillerson, a friend to Vladimir Putin to be Secretary of State.

Music:The World Connector

Music is the voice of planet Earth. It is the one thing that touches us all. It can bring us to tears, make us laugh and snap our fingers in all different languages .I’ve often heard the cliché that music calms the savage beast. ”That’s true too, but music also calms a crying baby, is rhythm for the man or woman working on the assembly line and a proverbial rocket ship to the past. It is captivating and calming at the same time. Whether your music comes from Gospel, Rhythm and Blues or Bluegrass, The common denominator for all genres of music is that it reaches everyone whether you speak the native language or not.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Alice's Favorite Places

The City of Chicago has been a mecca for tourist for at least the last century. People from all over the world are aware of the beauty, art and architecture. On my site, I have a few of the places which I’ve visited and have taken my family to. Navy Pier is my favorite. I love to shop at the Pier. I will always find something to buy when I’m visiting. Last, but not least, it’s the Ferris wheel! You can’t go to Navy Pier without taking a ride on the all famous Ferris wheel! It’s such an exhilarating feeling to see the city from its fantastic view.

The United States of Confusion

The presidential election of 2016 is the source of anxiety in many households. Some have threatened to move to Canada, and others are filing for bankruptcy. This turn of events has been unprecedented. Predictions of World War 3 has ben trending social media as well as among the opposing party members.